Louisiana SIDS Program

Quantitative • Shifting Behaviors • Advertising

The state of Louisiana sought to measure awareness of SIDS and its risk factors among young women 18-29 years of age living below the poverty level in Louisiana. The objectives included:

  • Determine the overall perception and attitudes toward SIDS
  • Evaluate creative materials, specific message points, and message strategy
  • Track the impact/results of advertising, marketing and communications

An extensive quantitative telephone study was completed with 400 low-income Louisiana women. Awareness of SIDS and its risk factors and perceptions and attitudes toward the syndrome were measured and tracked.

Following the baseline 22 months earlier, the communications firm embarked on a program directed toward teaching young mothers and “referral” females the safest sleeping positions, what SIDS is, and when/how SIDS occurs.



Awareness was increased and behaviors changed. Familiarity with SIDS/crib death increased 9 points over the baseline, leaving only 23% completely unfamiliar with the syndrome. Information-based learning was the strongest driver to behavioral changes. Incidence of laying babies down to sleep in the “safe” position rose from 37% correct to 60% correct. Those laying their babies down in the unsafe position were unaware of crib death, and those unfamiliar were demographically profiled and targeted for additional information.

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