Race/Ethnicity of American Children Defining Gentleman Environmental Actions
How Americans Define Wellness Connectivity Is Important Adult Depression

Race/Ethnicity of American Children

Latino children under age 18 are the fastest growing segment of the U.S. children’s population, up from 17.1% in 2000 to 21.7% in 2008.

The other groups increasing as a proportion of the U.S. population are White children (69.3% in 2009, up from 68.6% in 2000) and Asian children (4.0% in 2008, up from 3.4% in 2000). The following chart provides details on the change in population for other races/ethnicities.

Defining Gentleman

According to GQ magazine, most men (62%) say they would like to be described as a gentleman, above being described as smart (16%), funny (14%), successful (4%), or handsome (3%). A majority of men define a gentleman as someone who is authentic and honest about who he is (82%), takes responsibility for his behavior (77%), and is confident but not arrogant (75%).

A Nickelodian TV report says 70% of parents think it’s important that they teach their sons to be respectful of women, 55% to be a good father, and 46% to be an independent thinker.

Environmental Actions

One third of Americans (32%) say they have thought hard about their personal impact on the environment, compared to 37% who have thought little about it. The following chart shows which actions they are likely to take.

How Americans Define Wellness

Americans’ definition of wellness has shifted significantly since 2008. While they used to say it’s about being fit, healthy, and leading a balanced life, the new view focuses on re-inventing their lives. The following chart provides a closer look at this change in attitudes.

Connectivity Is Important

A 2009 Motorola study found that most Americans (78%) feel as though they are constantly connected to friends, family, and colleages, regardless of their physicial location. A majority in each generation says that being connected is a necessity to them: Millenials (79%), Gen Xers (64%), and Baby Boomers (65%).

When they are connected, they feel relaxed (68%), confident (62%), peaceful (55%) and proud (32%). When they aren’t connected, they feel frustrated (66%), stressed (47%), anxious (43%) angry (32%), disorganized (31%) and outdated (22%).

Adult Depression

Most American adults who suffer from depression (57%) receive care from their primary physician, while 38% see a mental health professional. Two-thirds (67%) use medication for treatment, with 62% of those saying it has been very helpful. Some 19% have used animal therapy, with 54% reporting it as being very helpful. Overall, only 35% of depression patients report being very happy with the overall treatment they are receiving for their condition.

Those with depression typically open up to their family and health professionals but conceal it from others. See the chart below for details.


  • Most automobile shoppers (54%) say that their online research was the primary medium which led them to choose a specific dealership.
  • Plus-sized women (32%) say their bust is their best feature, followed by their hands (24%) and their legs (20%).
  • Working moms (57%) claim the best part of going on a business trip is having some personal time.

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