New V-chip Card Uses Single Drop of Blood to Perform 50 Tests

New V-chip Card Uses Single Drop of Blood to Perform 50 Tests

Blood drops

Studies show that per capita U.S. health care costs are high compared to peer countries such as Japan and the U.K. In fact, a recent Forbes article says that healthcare costs in those countries are about half of ours and achieve equally good results. Consequently, it’s no mystery why efforts continue in the area of developing technologies that will reduce those costs.

One new device may do just that and more. Thanks to scientists at Houston’s Methodist Hospital Research Institute and MD Anderson Cancer Center, an elegant new device could soon radically simplify and streamline blood testing, circumventing expensive lab equipment and wait times. Early tests of the V-chip, a device the size of a business card that costs about $10 to produce, promise to bring accurate and inexpensive blood tests to patients’ homes, remote areas and other point-of-care locations. The technology uses two thin pieces of glass sandwiched together, a series of wells and microfludics to display blood test results as easy to read bar charts directly on the device. Having to give vials of blood and waiting weeks for lab results to get a diagnosis from your doctor may soon be a thing of the past.;


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