“Un-Liking” Companies on Facebook | ||
Retirement Outlook | ||
Top Lead Generation Activities for B2B and B2C Companies | ||
Business Tech Trends | ||
“Un-Liking” Companies on Facebook
Almost two-thirds of online adults (65%) are currently active on Facebook, and 73% have created Facebook profiles at some point. Some 64% of Facebook users have chosen to be fans of at least one company on the site and 55% have “liked” a company and later decided they didn’t want to see their posts. The chart below lists the major reasons people “un-like” companies.
Reasons People Unlike Companies
Retirement Outlook
Some 72% of Americans aged 25 to 69 say they expect to work during their retirement years. A higher percentage (39%) says they will work to make ends meet versus 33% who simply want to work.
- 70% feel on track for retirement
- Only 31% are confident about the stock market as a source of investment gains
- 40% would invest in a certificate of deposit if given $5,000 to invest for retirement
- 33% say their retirement plans will be affected by family needs
- Anticipate the cost of health care in retirement
- 48% believe they will be able to save the amount they need for the retirement lifestyle they want, the fewest of any age group
- 47% believe inflation will affect their ability to retire
- 79% are trying to reduce debt, the most of any age group
50-and 60-Somethings
- 55% of those in their 50s and 59% of those in their 60s have a pension that will serve as a resource in retirement
- Most likely to be looking forward to retirement
Source: Wells Fargo
Top Lead Generation Activities for B2B and B2C Companies
Search Engine Optimization is the top source of leads for both business-to-consumer (41%) and business-to-business marketers (57%). Other lead generating activities include social media marketing and pay-per-click marketing as shown below.
Overall, 60% of respondents plan to increase their budget for social media marketing in 2012; 53% plan to increase the budget for SEO and 40% for their PPC budget.
Which Makes the Biggest Impact on Your Lead Generation Goals?
Business Tech Trends
While technology is constantly evolving, it’s important that companies not only stay informed, but that they stand on the front end and anticipate what’s coming their way. The following trends offer some insights.
Just-in-time training – Cloud-based technology is making just-in-time training possible because it allows people to use their cell phones, tablet computers and laptops to access training when and where they need it – right in the field. Trainees can use this for installation/repair issues, learning new software, product updgrades, new policies and procedures. At the touch of a button, the trainee can connect real time with a trainer.
Processing power on demand – Through cloud-based technology, people can turn their mobile devices into virtual super computers to perform advanced calculations and crunch different data streams together to produce real-time analytics.
Creative application of technology – Go beyond what your employees ask for technologically. Give them the ability to do what they currently cannot do but would want to do if they knew they could. For example, people didn’t ask for an iPhone or Android. The unspoken need was the ability to access email and the Internet without being tied to a desktop or laptop. Also, companies would do well to educate employees about unused tech capabilities in systems already in place. For example, Microsoft Word has literally thousands of features that users can select, but most people only use seven to 10 features. Knowing more allows employees to do more.
- For 70% of business-to-business sales, the sales cycle is longer than three months.
- The proportion of workers who habitually arrived at work late dropped from 20% in 2008 to 15% in 2010
- Up to 70% of a business’ buying decision is now made based on information he or she finds online, which is long before a salesperson has an opportunity to get involved.