B2B Content Marketers Increase Tactics in 2012

B2B Content Marketers Increase Tactics in 2012

Content marketing continues to be a top priority for B2B marketers heading into 2013, according to a recent study by the Content Marketing Institute. In 2012, on average, 9 out of 10 said they were using content marketing and most are using it more than in previous years. B2B content marketers used 12 tactics in 2012 compared to an average of 8 tactics in 2010 and 2011. The most popular tactic this year? Social media, not including blogging, which was used by about 87 percent of those surveyed. Last year, the most popular tactic was articles. B2B marketers are using all tactics more often, except print magazines which are still being tapped by one third of them. Research reports, videos, mobile content and virtual conferences are some of the most popular tactics being used. B2B marketers continue to be unsure about the effectiveness of the content marketing tactics they use and still rank in-person events to be the most effective tactic (at 67 percent).


  • Some 15% of online news consumers get their news via social media. More than a fifth get their news via Twitter. (marketingprofs.com)
  • More than half of all dollars spent on Facebook (53%) are ads targeted toward men. (Kenshoo Social)
  • Consumers spend an average of 169 seconds per visit to ecommerce sites. (Sumall)
  • Purchases made via mobile grew 99% (in dollar sales) between 2011 and 2012. (Internet Retailer)
  • A third of travelers ages 18-29 (33%) choose restaurants or coffee shops based on whether or not they have power outlets available. (Intel)

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