Social Networks to Expand Use of “Native Ads” in 2013 Pursuing Effective Mobile Model

Social Networks to Expand Use of “Native Ads” in 2013 Pursuing Effective Mobile Model

Social media usage on mobile devices will outpace this activity on personal computers by 2015 in the U.S. Consequently, social networks such as Facebook are expected to lead the charge next year with new social ad models for smaller screens. Some predict traditional banner and interruption ads will decline, replaced by innovative, so-called “native ads” such as Promoted Tweets and Sponsored Stories. Users may have to look twice to distinguish between these ads and user-generated content. Brands hope native ads, though still seen as intrusive by some, will enable them to reach audiences on where they are and on their own terms. But will ads disguised as content work? We may soon know as numerous companies are already sending out Tweets to followers on their social media channels and using analytical tools to identify the most read. Fast Company


  • A quarter of YouTube video viewing (25%) is on mobile devices. (YouTube)
  • Some 16% of mobile device users plan to do all or most of their holiday shopping via smartphone or tablet in 2012. (MarketLive)
  • About one in four Americans (27%) believe they’ll be better off financially a year from now. (SymphonyIRI)
  • Nearly a quarter of Google searches (24%) are to find local businesses. (Chitika)
  • Today’s consumers are much more likely to order pizza online – 16% say they always or almost always do. (Pizza Power Report)

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